Duty of loyalty

Annemarie Drasbæk Søgaard

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Duty of loyalty

By virtue of your employment, you are obliged to act in a loyal manner towards the Danish Technological Institute ("DTI") and in the outside world.

The duty of loyalty implies that you may not perform acts that, directly or indirectly, are or may become detrimental to DTI.

Your duty of loyalty means, among other things that:

  1. you are not permitted to disclose business secrets. 
  2. you may not speak in negative terms or express negative opinions about DTI or its employees to customers and business partners; and
  3. you may not take up, start or engage in any competing business, and this includes starting your own business, taking up a secondary occupation or serving as a member on a board of directors.

The duty of loyalty applies throughout your term of employment, i.e. from the execution of the employment contract, in other words, until such time as you no longer receive a salary from DTI.

With regard to the second bullet above, we should like to emphasise that you are free to make your views known to your superiors at any time, irrespective of whether they concern professional or other matters. However, views that deviate from those held by DTI may not be expressed to customers or business partners of DTI or in public, except by express written agreement with the CEO.

Verbal and written contact with external media must also be approved in advance by your immediate superior, who is  responsible for the communication being consistent with DTI's guidelines and interests in general.

Please also see DTI's s whistle-blower policy.

In respect of the third bullet point above, please see DTI's rules regarding secondary occupations.