
Annemarie Drasbæk Søgaard

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Holidays are accrued and taken in accordance with the rules of the Danish Holiday Act, i.e. 5 weeks per year. The holiday year runs from 1 September to 31 August.

Also, you are entitled to a holiday supplement according to the Danish Holiday Act and the Institute pays out a supplement of 1.5 % of your salary qualifying for holiday pay.

In addition, all of the Institute’s employees accrue an additional 1-week holiday entitlement pursuant to applicable collective agreements and individual employment contracts. The 6th week of holiday is not paid out in connection with resignations/dismissals. If the Danish Holiday Act’s rules concerning the length of holidays increase the number of holidays, these are offset from the additional holiday week. These extra vacation days cannot be paid out under any circumstances nor can they be transferred to the next holiday year. 

The 24th and 31st of December and Constitution Day are days off paid for by the Institute.

The Institute is closed between Christmas and New Year’s and the Friday after Ascension Day. These days off require the use of holiday days.

Other holidays are taken by agreement with the Centre. Please note that your main holiday (3 weeks) must be taken in the 1 May - 30 September period pursuant to the Danish Holiday Act.

New employees who have not accrued paid holidays, pay for the holidays taken from their salary.