Secondary occupation

Annemarie Drasbæk Søgaard

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Secondary occupation

In principle, you have the right to take up other, non-competing employment. However, in order for the Danish Technological Institute ("DTI")  to be in a position to evaluate whether such secondary occupation would

  • constitute a conflict of interest
  • be a problem in connection with the flexibility we expect from you or
  • be inconsistent with your job at DTI for other reasons,

you may not without giving prior notification to DTI engage in a secondary occupation.

Similarly, you may not without prior notification to DTI in each individual case be a direct or indirect owner of or an active or non-active participant in another business, for example be a member of the board of directors of another enterprise.

In practice, such notification consists of you forwarding information in advance about what you would like to do in addition to your current job (e.g. a second job, a sole proprietorship or board membership) to the Head of HR with a copy to your own immediate superior. The notification must include information about the following:

  • description of the business, including activities, ownership structure and business registration number (CVR no.),
  • description of your functions in the business, including the weekly number of hours worked and how this would affect your work at DTI, and
  • an evaluation of whether or not the business' activities are currently competing with or might potentially compete with the activities of DTI and its subsidiaries.

As soon as we receive this information, we will send you our assessment and final decision as soon as possible.