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Red Hat Certified System Administrator RHCSA Exam [EX200]

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Available in English

RHCSA-eksamen (EX200) er en performancebaseret test af din viden inden for områder af systemadministration, der er almindelige på en lang række miljøer og implementeringsscenarier, som er grundlæggende for systemadministration på tværs af alle Red Hat produkter. Denne eksamen er baseret på det grundlæggende for systemadministration på tværs af alle Red Hat® produkter.

Remote eksamen

Du kan tage eksamen EX200 som Remote Online, hvor du selv kan bestemme hvornår det passer dig. Eksamen varer 3 timer - kontakt os for nærmere oplysninger og booking.

Med en RHCSA certificering får du bevis på, at du bestrider de grundlæggende færdigheder i systemadministration, der kræves i Red Hat Enterprise Linux-miljøer.

Denne eksamen er for dig, der er erfaren Red Hat Enterprise Linux systemadministratorer, og som gerne vil have bevis få din viden.


Du forventes at have deltaget på kurserne Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) og II (RH134) eller RHCSA Rapid Track Course (RH199) eller have tilsvarende erhvervserfaring som systemadministrator på Red Hat Enterprise Linux og at du har gennemgået eksamensindholdet grundigt.


Undestand and use essential tools
  • Access a shell prompt and issue commands with correct syntax
  • Use input-output redirection (>, >>, |, 2>, etc.)
  • Use grep and regular expressions to analyze text
  • Access remote systems using SSH
  • Log in and switch users in multiuser targets
  • Archive, compress, unpack, and uncompress files using tar, star, gzip, and bzip2
  • Create and edit text files
  • Create, delete, copy, and move files and directories
  • Create hard and soft links
  • List, set, and change standard ugo/rwx permissions
  • Locate, read, and use system documentation including man, info, and files in /usr/share/doc
Create simple shell scripts
  • Conditionally execute code (use of: if, test, [], etc.)
  • Use Looping constructs (for, etc.) to process file, command line input
  • Process script inputs ($1, $2, etc.)
  • Processing output of shell commands within a script
Operate running systems
  • Boot, reboot, and shut down a system normally
  • Boot systems into different targets manually
  • Interrupt the boot process in order to gain access to a system
  • Identify CPU/memory intensive processes and kill processes
  • Adjust process scheduling
  • Manage tuning profiles
  • Locate and interpret system log files and journals
  • Preserve system journals
  • Start, stop, and check the status of network services
  • Securely transfer files between systems
Configure local storage
  • List, create, delete partitions on MBR and GPT disks
  • Create and remove physical volumes
  • Assign physical volumes to volume groups
  • Create and delete logical volumes
  • Configure systems to mount file systems at boot by universally unique ID (UUID) or label
  • Add new partitions and logical volumes, and swap to a system non-destructively
Create and configure file systems
  • Create, mount, unmount, and use vfat, ext4, and xfs file systems
  • Mount and unmount network file systems using NFS
  • Configure autofs
  • Extend existing logical volumes
  • Create and configure set-GID directories for collaboration
  • Diagnose and correct file permission problems
Deploy, configure, and maintain systems
  • Schedule tasks using at and cron
  • Start and stop services and configure services to start automatically at boot
  • Configure systems to boot into a specific target automatically
  • Configure time service clients
  • Install and update software packages from Red Hat Network, a remote repository, or from the local file system
  • Modify the system bootloader
Manage basic networking
  • Configure IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
  • Configure hostname resolution
  • Configure network services to start automatically at boot
  • Restrict network access using firewall-cmd/firewall
Manage users and groups
  • Create, delete, and modify local user accounts
  • Change passwords and adjust password aging for local user accounts
  • Create, delete, and modify local groups and group memberships
  • Configure superuser access
Manage security
  • Configure firewall settings using firewall-cmd/firewall
  • Manage default file permissions
  • Configure key-based authentication for SSH
  • Set enforcing and permissive modes for SELinux
  • List and identify SELinux file and process context
  • Restore default file contexts
  • Use boolean settings to modify system SELinux settings
  • Diagnose and address routine SELinux policy violations
Manage containers
  • Find and retrieve container images from a remote registry
  • Inspect container images
  • Perform container management using commands such as podman and skopeo
  • Build a container from a Containerfile
  • Perform basic container management such as running, starting, stopping, and listing running containers
  • Run a service inside a container
  • Configure a container to start automatically as a systemd service
  • Attach persistent storage to a container


Dette er en praktisk performance-baseret eksamen, hvor du skal demonstrere at du kan udføre real-world opgaver. Der er ikke adgang til internet under eksamen, og du må ikke medbringe nogen former for hjælpemidler, herunder noter, bøger eller andet materiale. På de fleste eksamener vil der dog være adgang til produktdokumentation under selve eksamen. Eksamen varer 3 timer.

Scores og eksamensresultat

Det officielle resultat af din eksamen kommer udelukkende fra Red Hat Certification Central. Red Hat giver ikke eksaminatorer eller kursusudbydere tilladelse til at oplyse dig resultatet. Du vil typisk modtage svar inden for 3 arbejdsdage. Eksamensresultatet bliver oplyst som en samlet score.

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