
Fremragende5 dages kursus 
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Microsoft 365 Administrator Essentials [MS-102T00]

2. - 11. april 2025 Taastrup Garantifor afholdelse
2. - 13. juni 2025 Virtuelt kursus
2. - 13. juni 2025 Aarhus
20. august til 2. september 2025 Taastrup
DKK  21.499
ekskl. moms
Nr. 91350 A
11 anmeldelser
Arrangementer på Teknologisk Institut bliver evalueret af deltagerne. Stjernerne angiver deltagernes gennemsnitlige tilfredshed inden for de sidste 5 år.

På dette kursus lærer du at administrere hovedelementerne i Microsoft 365, så som Microsoft 365 Tenant management (Microsoft Entra ID), Microsoft 365 Identity Synchronization, Microsoft 365 Security (Microsoft Defender) og Compliance.

Microsoft 365 Administrator

Dette Microsoft kursus er målrettet dig, som sidder i rollen som Microsoft 365 Administrator. Kurset er opdelt i fire hovedområder, og du kommer igennem følgende områder:

Første del af kurset fokuserer på Microsoft Entra ID / Tenant administration og hvordan du konfigurere en tenant, herunder organisationsprofil, subcriptions, bruger account og licenser, grupper og roller.

Efterfølgende lærer du at implementere og administrere identiteter med fokus på Microsoft Entra Connect og Connect Cloud Sync.

I den tredje del af kurset lærer du at benytte de forskellige sikkerhedsløsninger i Microsoft 365, og du bliver introduceret til Microsoft Secure Score og Microsoft Entra ID Protection samt lærer at administrere Microsoft 365 Security services herunder Exchange Online Protection. Du vil også komme igennem Threats ved at bruge Microsoft 365 Defender, Microsoft Defender til Cloud Apps og Microsoft Defender til Endpoint.

I den fjerde del af kurset lærer du at administrere Compliance komponenterne i Microsoft Purview, herunder Data Retention og Data Loss Prevention (DLP) samt Archiving.


Kurset er til dig som er IT-professionel, og i det daglige arbejder med administration, sikkerhed og compliance i Microsoft 365.


Det forventes, at du har en viden svarende til kurset MS-900 Microsoft 365 Fundamentals


  • Lær hvordan du planlægger, administrerer og konfigurerer jeres Microsoft 365 tenant
  • Lær hvordan du planlægger og implementerer Microsoft Identity synchronization
  • Lær at administrere sikkerhed og trusler med Microsoft 365 Defender
  • Få styr på Governance og Compliance med Microsoft Purview, og hvordan du implementerer, administrerer og sikre jeres data

Det får du på kurset

Vi sørger for, at rammerne er i orden, så du kan fokusere på at lære.

Efter du har fuldendt kurset, vil du modtage et kursusbevis.


Certificeret underviser.png

Certificeret underviser

På kurset får du morgenmad, frokost, snacks og drikkevarer.

Fuld forplejning

På kurset er der indtænkt øvelser og deltagerinddragelse.

Øvelser og inddragelse

Materiale på engelsk

Materiale på engelsk

Undervisning på dansk

Undervisning på dansk

Tæt på kursusstedet er der gratis parkering.

Gratis parkering

Computer stilles til rådighed

Computer stilles til rådighed


Modul 1: Configure your Microsoft 365 tenant
In this module you will learn how to configure your Microsoft 365 tenant, including your organizational profile, tenant subscriptions, user accounts and licenses, groups, custom domains, and client connectivity.

- Configure your Microsoft 365 experience
- Manage users, licenses, and mail contacts in Microsoft 365
- Manage groups in Microsoft 365
- Add accustom domain in Microsoft 365
- Configure client connectivity to Microsoft 365
Modul 2: Manage your Microsoft 365 tenant
In this module you will learn how to manage your Microsoft 365 tenant, including administrative roles, tenant health and services, Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, and workplace analytics using Microsoft Viva Insights.

- Configure administrative roles in Microsoft 365
- Manage tenant health and services in Microsoft 365
- Deploy Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise
- Analyze your Microsoft 365 workplace data using Microsoft Viva Insights
Modul 3: Implement identity synchronization
In this module you will learn how to plan for and implement identity synchronization in a hybrid Microsoft 365 deployment, including how to implement Azure AD Connect and how to manage synchronized identities.

- Explore identity synchronization
- Prepare for identity synchronization to Microsoft 365
- Implement directory synchronization tools
- Manage synchronized identities
- Manage secure user access in Microsoft 365
Modul 4: Explore security metrics in Microsoft 365 Defender
In this module you will learn about the threat vectors and data breaches organizations face today in their cybersecurity landscape, and the wide range of security solutions that Microsoft 365 provides to combat those threats.

- Examine threat vectors and data breaches
- Explore the zero Trust security model
- Explore security solutions in Microsoft 365 Defender
- Examine Microsoft Secure Score
- Examine Privileged Identity Management
- Examine Azure Identity Protection
Modul 5: Manage your security services in Microsoft 365 Defender
In this module you will learn how to manage the Microsoft 365 security services, with a special focus on security reporting and managing the Safe Attachments and Safe Links features in Microsoft Defender for Office 365.

- Examine Exchange Online Protection
- Examine Microsoft Defender for Office 365
- Manage Safe Attachments
- Manage Safe Links
Modul 6: Implement threat protection by using Microsoft 365 Defender
In this module you will learn how to manage the Microsoft 365 threat intelligence features that provide organizations with insight and protection against the internal and external cyber-attacks that threaten their tenants.

- Explore threat intelligence in Microsoft 365 Defender
- Implement app protection by using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps
- Implement endpoint protection by using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
- Implement threat protection by using Microsoft Defender for Office 365
Modul 7: Explore data governance in Microsoft 365
This module introduces you to the data governance features of Microsoft 365, which serve regulatory compliance, can facilitate eDiscovery, and are part of a business strategy to protect the integrity of the data estate.

- Examine data governance solutions in Microsoft Purview
- Explore archiving and records management in Microsoft 365
- Explore retention in Microsoft 365
- Explore Microsoft Purview Message Encryption
Module 8: Implement compliance in Microsoft 365
In this module you will learn how to implement the Microsoft 365 data governance features, including how to calculate your compliance readiness, implement compliance solutions, and create information barriers, DLP policies, and policy tips.

- Explore compliance in Microsoft 365
- Implement Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management
- Implement Microsoft Purview Information Barriers
- Explore Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention
- Implement Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention
Module 9: Manage compliance in Microsoft 365
In this module you will learn how to manage the Microsoft 365 data governance features, including how to implement retention in email, sensitivity labels, and Windows Information Protection, and how to troubleshoot data loss prevention issues.

- Implement data classification of sensitive information
- Explore sensitivity labels
- Implement sensitivity labels
Bemærk: Indhold for dette kursus tilpasses løbende af Microsoft for at følge med den løbende teknologiske udvikling, der kan derfor ske ændringer af kursusindhold uden varsel.

Anmeldelser af Microsoft 365 Administrator Essentials [MS-102T00]

Fremragende Baseret på 11 anmeldelser
Arrangementer på Teknologisk Institut bliver evalueret af deltagerne. Stjernerne angiver deltagernes gennemsnitlige tilfredshed inden for de sidste 5 år.
Meget godt
Mindre godt
Ikke godt


Kurset anbefales som forberedelse til eksamen MS-102 Microsoft 365 Administrator. Du skal bestille og betale din eksamen særskilt. Ønsker du at opnå certificeringen Microsoft 365 Certified Administrator Expert skal du foruden eksamen MD-102 have bestået én af følgende eksamener MS-102, MS-700, SC-300 eller SC-400.

Om denne eksamen skriver Microsoft:

  • This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: deploy and manage a Microsoft 365 tenant; implement and manage Microsoft Entra identity and access; manage security and threats by using Microsoft 365 Defender; and manage compliance by using Microsoft Purview.
  • Candidates for this exam are Microsoft 365 administrators who deploy and manage Microsoft 365. They perform Microsoft 365 tenant-level implementation and administration of cloud and hybrid environments.
  • Microsoft 365 administrators function as the integrating hub for all Microsoft 365 workloads. They coordinate across multiple Microsoft 365 workloads. They work with architects and other administrators responsible for workloads, infrastructure, identity, security, compliance, endpoints, and applications.
  • Candidates for this exam have functional experience with all Microsoft 365 workloads and Microsoft Entra ID, and have administered at least one of these. They also have a working knowledge of networking, server administration, DNS, and PowerShell.

Læs mere om IT-certificering


Teknologisk Institut benytter erfarne undervisere fra et bredt netværk af dygtige specialister

Vælg dato

2. - 11. april 2025
 Garantifor afholdelse
Virtuelt kursus
2. - 13. juni 2025
2. - 13. juni 2025
20. august til 2. september 2025
Virtuelt kursus
20. august til 2. september 2025