På dette forberedelseskursus til den internationale certificering Certified Information System Security Professional - CISSP får du en dybdegående og intensiv gennemgang af de 8 domains samt tips og gode råd til, hvordan du forbereder dig til 2024 (ISC)² eksamen. Selve CISSP certificeringen anses for at være den førende inden for informationssikkerhed. Undervisningen foregår på engelsk og eksamen er ikke inkluderet i kurset.
The Bootcamp is designed for experienced security Professionals who wish to attain (ISC)² CISSP certification and should not be taken lightly. Students must have at least 2-5 years experience in the field of security.
To attend this training, students must have at least 2-5 years of experience in the field of security (basic concepts, standards and framework within IT Security). A background from technical IT security in networking, web security, cryptografi, authentication or background architecture / design of systems within IT is useful. The course spans wide across many different areas, and knowledge from one or more areas within security is a definite advantage.
You need to document a minimum of 5 years experience within at least 2 of the 8 knowledge areas in the CISSP curriculum, to be CISSP certified.
Vi sørger for, at rammerne er i orden, så du kan fokusere på at lære.
Erfaren underviser
Fuld forplejning
Materiale på engelsk
Undervisning på engelsk
Gratis parkering
The CISSP draws from a comprehensive, up-to-date, global common body of knowledge that ensures security leaders have a deep knowledge and understanding of new threats, technologies, regulations, standards, and practices. The CISSP exam tests one's competence in the 8 domains of the CISSP CBK, which cover:
Introductions and Pre-course Test
Domain 1: Security and Risk Management (Security, Risk, Compliance, Law, Regulations, Business Continuity)
Domain 2: Asset Security (Protecting Security of Assets)
Domain 3: Security Engineering (Engineering and Management of Security)
Domain 4: Communications and Network Security (Designing and Protecting Network Security)
Domain 5: Identity and Access Management (Controlling Access and Managing Identity)
Domain 6: Security Assessment and Testing (Designing, Performing, and Analyzing Security Testing)
Domain 7: Security Operations (Foundational Concepts, Investigations, Incident Management, Disaster Recovery)
Domain 8: Software Development Security (Understanding, Applying, and Enforcing Software Security)
Post Course Test
CISSP Exam Preparation & Review Questions
Pace was good and environment was productive and friendly.- Ghazanfar Ali Khan Velos IoT Denmark ApS
Great instructor and very good environment. Good physical sorroundings and food.- Martin Hoffmann Pedersen AIG Europe, Dansk Filial af AIG Europe S.A., Luxem
Andy delivered the training with grace, presence and confidence - very engaging- Jakob Rohrmann Strøm DSV A/S
Very competent and skilled. An excellent trainer.- Bo Issov Issov Consulting ApS
All students receive a copy of:
This course, along with previous experience and rigorous self-study will help prepare you to take the following (ISC)² certification exam CISSP.
Exam and exam fee are not included in this course. You can read more about the exam at (ISC)2, find prices here and register for the exam here.
Candidates for the CISSP must meet several requirements:
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Andy kommer fra Skotland og har mere end 30 års erfaring med undervisning og konsulentarbejde. Han er en meget anerkendt Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), og er tillige for 18. år i træk kåret som Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional). Andy er specialiseret i Microsoft Cloud, Identity, Authentication og Information Security, og han leverer undervisning af høj kvalitet med et glimt i øjet.
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