
Online kursus 
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From Operational Manager to Strategic Thinker

Tilmelding Garantifor afholdelse

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Tilgængeligt i 365 dage.
DKK  6.999
ekskl. moms
Nr. 90232 P

At få dit firmas produkt eller service ud på markedet, kræver mange indbyrdes afhængige processer. En klar forretningsplan kan hjælpe dig med tydeligt at se muligheder, såvel som forhindringer du uundgåeligt vil støde ind i undervejs i disse processer. Kurserne er på engelsk og foregår online, når det passer dig. Du har adgang til online-kurserne i 365 dage.

Online kursus


I denne kursuspakke er de vigtigste elementer inden for strategisk planlægning, som kan være med til at sikre, at din virksomheds produkt kommer på markedet til tiden og med færrest mulig udfordringer undervejs. Kurset giver også et indblik i. forretningsanalyse, udvikling af en forretningsplan, identificering og håndtering af risici, og hvordan bl.a. Service Management kan give din virksomhed en fordel på markedet.


Kursuspakken kan gavne ansatte på alle niveauer - fra nyuddannede til folk i lederstillinger.


  • Lær at udvikle og implementere en effektiv forretningsplan
  • Genkend forskellige elementer af en SWOT-analyse (Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
  • Forstå de forskellige elementer i en handlingsplan
  • Forstå formålet med strategisk tænkning
  • Lær at bruge metoder til at forbedre din strategiske tænkning
  • Optimer helhedsbilledet af din virksomhed
  • Identificer og håndter trusler og risici
  • Forstå avancerede dataanalysemetoder

Det får du på onlinekurset

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Undervisning på engelsk

Undervisning på engelsk


Managing for Operational Excellence
  • By achieving operational excellence, a company can not only drastically improve the quality and efficiency of its internal processes, but it can also gain a competitive advantage. But to attain operational excellence, you’ll need to understand how your organization’s existing processes work and create a plan to fundamentally enhance them. In this course, you’ll learn about Lean tools you can use to improve operations management in your organization. You’ll also explore strategies that can help make your organizational operations more efficient and sustainable over the long term.
Enabling Business Process Improvement
  • Process improvements can transform a business, increasing efficiency, product quality customer satisfaction, and profits. But to carry out these process improvements, you must understand the existing process design, and implement a process control system to maintain the standards of the new process. This course will cover how you can combine 6s and Lean Six Sigma strategies to manage a business process improvement initiative so it yields the best possible results. You’ll explore how to get buy-in from stakeholders, and how to analyze and redesign a process. You'll also learn guidelines for successfully implementing and sustaining process improvements.
Operations Management Functions and Strategies
  • Operations management is crucial for organizational success. It involves designing, planning, directing, and controlling all the processes in an efficient way to transform resources into quality goods or services. Operations include all the activities used to create and deliver goods or services. In this course, you'll learn the basics of operations management and how it can improve efficiency. You'll also learn about organizational strategy, Lean processes, and the transformation model. You'll be introduced to the general characteristics of operations in the manufacturing and service sectors, as well as common operations strategies. You'll also learn about a process for formulating organizational strategy, and about the main types of transformations.
Strategic Product and Service Management
  • To succeed in competitive markets, all organizations need to strategically plan and manage their products and services. Much of the responsibility for doing this lies with operations management. An organization's operations section deals with managing products and services and delivering quality using efficient processes. In this course, you'll learn about the product and service life cycle, the process for developing new products, and strategies to manage the sale of existing and mature products. You'll also learn about a process and best practices to improve efficiency for new product or service development. Finally, you'll learn about strategies, such as Lean processes, for managing existing and mature products and services.
Supply Chain Management Basics: Cutting Costs and Optimizing Delivery
  • A few basic supply chain management (SCM) concepts can really improve delivery and cost management while enhancing how you provide value to customers. In this course, you'll explore the components of a supply chain and the key objectives of SCM, such as cost reduction and delivery optimization. You'll learn how organizations combine SCM strategies. And you'll explore the components of the supply chain, including the role of the supplier, and cover the key drivers that impact its efficiency. You'll also consider the characteristics of service supply chain management, and learn about related strategies.
Inventory Management: Aligning Inventory with Production and Demand
  • One of the most common challenges for businesses is to know exactly how much inventory to keep. If production exceeds demand, a business will end up paying high storage costs; too little inventory, however, and it may not be able to meet consumer demand. That’s why an operations strategy needs to find a way to strike the right balance. In this course, you’ll learn about different operations management techniques, including how to value inventories and calculate economic order quantities and reorder points. You’ll explore common ordering and holding costs. And you'll discover popular inventory management tools, including ABC analysis, MRP, ERP, and JIT management.
Optimizing Operations Using Demand Forecasting and Capacity Management
  • It's a fact that market trends are constantly changing. Failure to adapt to these changes may result in your organization losing its competitiveness – and, ultimately, customers. To take advantage of these shifting forces, businesses must implement an effective operations management strategy that matches market demands. In this course, you’ll learn about demand forecasting and capacity management, two techniques that can optimize your organization’s operations to handle market trends and meet the challenges of supply and demand. You'll also learn about demand patterns, a process for forecasting demand, and strategies for managing your organization's capacity.
Thinking Strategically as a Manager
  • To resolve many of the threats and challenges that your organization will likely have to face, it’s essential that you develop a business strategy that incorporates a clear vision, new ideas, and innovative solutions. This course explores the characteristics of strategic thinking, as well as the traits you need to plan and implement an effective strategy. It also covers how to develop your capacity for thinking strategically through creative thinking, being prepared to deal with complexity, and being aware of what's going on inside and outside your organization.
Using Strategic Thinking to Consider the Big Picture
  • Big-picture thinking stretches beyond the short term and considers how an organization can succeed in the long term. By thinking strategically about a problem using the bigger picture, you can elevate your perspective and get a better idea of the forces at play within your organization. This course describes how systems thinking can help you become skillful at making sense out of opposites and contradictions and better understand cause and effect while managing your department according to the business strategy. It explains actions you can take to encourage creative thinking and come up with solutions that take into account the bigger picture. You’ll also learn how understanding your organizational value chain can help you connect to the organization's strategy and implement it more effectively.
Identifying Risks in Your Organization
  • Risk is an inevitable aspect of any business. As a manager, it's important that you mitigate or avoid the potential impact of a risk if it comes to pass, to ensure the long-term survival of your organization. This course focuses on the first step in managing risk, identifying risks to your organization. You’ll explore the difference between internal and external risks, and how some risks may actually present a strategic opportunity. You’ll also learn how to use some techniques that can help you identify risks and calculate the probability that they will occur, including root cause identification, the Delphi technique, and brainstorming sessions.
Assessing Your Organization's Risks
  • Risk is a fact of life for businesses and one that will never just go away. But before you can start managing risk, you need to be able to assess a risk – as well as its probability – in order to create a strategic plan that will enable you to avoid or mitigate its potential negative impact. In this course, you’ll learn some common techniques for assessing risk, including opportunity assessment, and threat assessment using FMEA – failure mode and effects analysis.
Responding Effectively to Risks
  • The third step to take when managing risk, once you’ve identified and assessed risks to your organization, is to deal with them appropriately. Some risks may have a higher probability of becoming a reality than others, while others may have more of a negative impact. You’ll need to treat each of these types of risks differently. This course covers how to create an effective strategy for responding to risk, such as risk exposure adjustment and contingency planning. It also outlines specific strategic plans for dealing with a risk that may be a threat or an opportunity.


Hele kursuspakken indeholder 12 kurser og kan gennemføres på ca. 5,5 timer.


Denne online kursuskollektion består af flere forskellige kurser, som du ved tilmelding har adgang til i 365 dage. Hvert enkelt kursus er opdelt i flere kursusmoduler, som du via en oversigtsmenu kan tage i den rækkefølge, du ønsker. Modulerne indeholder lyd, billeder og tekst, der gennemgår kursusindholdet. Nogle moduler indeholder små videofilm med scenarier og cases. Ved hvert kursus har du mulighed for at teste din forståelse af indholdet med tests, som du kan tage både før, under og efter kurset. Du gennemfører kursusmodulerne via din computer eller tablet med lyd og adgang til Internettet. Du kan selv styre, hvornår du vil tage modulerne – og de kan sættes på pause undervejs. Der bliver indsat bogmærker, der hvor du er nået til, så du altid har mulighed for at fortsætte, hvor du sidst kom til.

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