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ISTQB Foundation Certificate in Software Testing Collection

Tilmelding Garantifor afholdelse

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Tilgængeligt i 365 dage.
DKK  8.499
ekskl. moms
Nr. 72762 P

På online kursus kollektionen ISTQB Foundation, lærer du, hvordan du får det optimale ud af din softwaretest. Du får en professionel tilgang til kvalitetssikring af software og værktøjer til at anerkende, identificere og organisere de centrale mål for softwaretesting. Kursus kollektionen er på engelsk og foregår online, når det passer dig. Du har adgang til online kurset i 365 dage.

Online kursusVærktøjer til effektiv softwaretest

Software systemer bliver i højere og højere grad allestedsnærværende i vores liv. Fejl i de systemer kan være kostbare i forhold til tid, penge og virksomheders anseelse. Effektiv softwaretest er af allerhøjeste nødvendighed når det kommer til at afbøde skader forsaget af softwarefejl og får at give tillid til softwaresystemer.


Kurset er henvendt til softwareudviklere, tekniske og user acceptance testere, testanalytikere, testingeniører, testkonsulenter, testmanagere, projektmanagere, quality managers og alle med interesse for test.


  • Forstå, identificer og organiser nøgleopgaverne ved softwaretest
  • Identificer og evaluer en software lifecycle
  • Forstå, identificer og evaluer statiske teknikker og testdesign i softwaretest
  • Lær at bruge de mest almindelige black-box teknikker inden for softwaretest
  • Bestem, forstå og evaluer ved hjælp af white-box software testteknikker
  • Lær at forstå, evaluer, identificer og analyser ved hjælp af softwaretest
  • Bestem og genkend risici og hændelser i software test
  • Forstå risici og fordele ved automatiske test

Det får du på onlinekurset

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Undervisning på engelsk

Undervisning på engelsk


Tester Foundation Level 4.0: Software Testning Basics
  • This foundational course provides a comprehensive introduction to software testing, covering essential concepts such as test planning, case design, execution, and reporting. Participants will gain practical skills and a solid understanding of the critical role testing plays in the software development life cycle. Begin this course by discovering the strategic aspects of software testing, including how to define clear testing objectives. Then you will learn how to align testing goals with project requirements, fostering an intentional mindset that enhances overall testing efficiency and effectiveness. Next, you will explore advanced topics of software testing, including root cause analysis, classification of anomalies, and the nuances of errors and defects. You will also investigate the limitations and paradoxes of testing and delve into industry best practices to optimize testing processes. Finally, you will focus on verification and validation strategies, ensuring you are well-equipped to deliver high-quality software products.
Tester Foundation Level 4.0: Software Testing Processes
  • A test process usually consists of a group of activities from planning to completion that may appear to follow a logical sequence but are often implemented iteratively or in parallel. These testing processes are critical for quality assurance. In this course, you will discover the essential phases of software testing, from the initial planning stages to the final execution and completion. Then you will focus on effective test planning, monitoring, and control to gain practical insights into organizing and managing testing activities. By mastering the intricacies of test analysis, design, implementation, execution, and completion, you will develop the skills needed to navigate complexities and maintain control throughout the testing life cycle. Finally, you will explore the broader context of testing, emphasizing the significance of testware, traceability, and the diverse roles within the testing domain.
Tester Foundation Level 4.0: Software Development Testing Life Cycle
  • Explore the integration of software testing with different development models in this comprehensive course series. Begin this course by investigating incremental and sequential models to gain insights into tailoring testing approaches to specific development methodologies and enhance collaboration between developers and testers. Then you will focus on test-driven, acceptance test-driven, and behavior-driven development. Next, you will dive into the intersection of software testing and DevOps to examine how testing practices seamlessly integrate into continuous integration, continuous deployment, and a shift-left approach. You will gain practical knowledge on incorporating testing into the development pipeline, ensuring quality is maintained throughout the software development life cycle. Finally, you will discover how software testing retrospectives and continuous improvement foster a culture of learning and refinement within the testing process for ongoing excellence.
Tester Foundation Level 4.0: Software Test Types & Maintenance Testing
  • Software testing comes in many forms and variations depending on what is being tested. You may be testing functionality based on requirements documents, testing usability, or even testing security, and what you are testing will determine the testing methodology used. In this course, learn about different test types, including component testing, component integration testing, system integration testing, and system testing. Next, examine the forms of acceptance testing and the acceptance testing attributes, as well as the differences between functional testing vs. non-functional testing and black-box testing vs. white-box testing. Finally, explore confirmation, regression, and maintenance testing and how to complete performance testing.
Tester Foundation Level 4.0: Static Software Testing
  • Understanding how to effectively manage and estimate testing efforts, prioritize testing methodologies, and achieve comprehensive test coverage is crucial for success in the real world. In this course, you will navigate through the intricacies of test management and test estimation techniques and learn skills to accurately estimate effort and schedule resources. You will learn prioritization methodologies such as risk-based prioritization, coverage-based prioritization, and requirements-based prioritization. Finally, you will explore the test pyramid model and testing quadrants frameworks for achieving comprehensive test coverage while ensuring efficient testing practices across various levels and types of testing.
Tester Foundation Level 4.0: Software Testing Techniques
  • Testing techniques like experience-based testing leverage collective insights and intuition to produce unique test scenarios. In this course, you will navigate through the intricacies of test management and test estimation techniques and learn skills to accurately estimate effort and schedule resources. You will learn prioritization methodologies such as risk-based prioritization, coverage-based prioritization, and requirements-based prioritization. Finally, you will explore the test pyramid model and testing quadrants frameworks for achieving comprehensive test coverage while ensuring efficient testing practices across various levels and types of testing.
Tester Foundation Level 4.0: Black-box Testing Techniques
  • Software testing is a critical component of software development, and without it, software can be riddled with bugs and glitches. This course provides you with a comprehensive understanding of software testing techniques that are essential for ensuring software quality. Learn how to apply various techniques such as equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, decision table testing, and state transition testing to derive appropriate test cases from requirements. Explore the importance of usability testing, user interface testing, compatibility testing, and security testing. Next, learn how these testing methods are used to ensure that software is user-friendly, compatible with different systems, and secure from potential threats.
Tester Foundation Level 4.0: White-box Testing Techniques
  • In this course you will navigate through techniques and intricacies of white-box testing. You'll begin by covering white-box application programming interface (API) testing. You'll then move on to explore white-box statement and branch testing and coverage. Finally, you’ll discover the benefits and challenges of performing statement and decision coverage on the source code.
Tester Foundation Level 4.0: Software Test Planning
  • Understanding the fundamentals of software testing is crucial for ensuring software quality. This course offers a comprehensive understanding of how to create effective test plans and strategies that are essential for ensuring high-quality software. Begin this course by learning how to identify the purpose and content of test plans, define a strategy for creating them, and recognize the role of the software tester in their creation. Next, explore various test strategies and approaches that are used to identify and mitigate potential risks in software development. Finally, learn how to identify appropriate entry and exit criteria for software testing and how to use risk registers to ensure that potential risks are identified and addressed.
Tester Foundation Level 4.0: Software Estimation & Priorization Techniques
  • Unlock the secrets of test effort estimation, by leveraging methods for test execution and utilizing the test pyramid model and testing quadrants. In this course, you will navigate through the intricacies of test management and test estimation techniques and learn skills to accurately estimate effort and schedule resources. You will learn prioritization methodologies such as risk-based prioritization, coverage-based prioritization, and requirements-based prioritization. Finally, you will explore the test pyramid model and testing quadrants frameworks for achieving comprehensive test coverage while ensuring efficient testing practices across various levels and types of testing.
Tester Foundation Level 4.0: Test Monitoring & Control
  • Gain comprehensive insights into the crucial aspects of software testing management and learn about test monitoring, control, and metrics. Learn to strategically oversee the testing process, ensuring project goals are met efficiently. Explore the intricacies of test progress and summary reports and how to effectively communicate test statuses. In this course, you will delve into the governance and maintenance of critical testing components and focus on maintaining test integrity, test item management, and testware management. You will learn to identify and manage test items and testware effectively, ensuring the integrity of the testing process. You will build the skills necessary to recognize, document, and manage these essential elements throughout the software development life cycle, contributing to a robust and well-organized testing environment.
Tester Foundation Level 4.0: Software Testing Risk & Defect Management
  • Delve into the critical aspects of identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks in the software development process, gaining insight into software development product and project risks. Learn to distinguish between risks associated with the final product and those inherent in the project management domain. By mastering these skills, you will be able to enhance the reliability and integrity of software systems in diverse organizational settings. Begin this course by exploring software development risk management, including both product and project risks. Then you will discover product risk analysis techniques. You will investigate how product risk analysis can be used to influence the scope of software testing and how it is documented. Next, you will take a look at product risk control techniques, mitigation strategies, and the use of monitoring procedures to proactively manage and mitigate identified risks throughout the software development life cycle. Finally, you will examine defect management, including stakeholder involvement, defect report objectives, and crucial elements to include in the report.
Tester Foundation Level 4.0: Software Testing Support Tools
  • Learn about the tools used to support specific testing activities and gain an understanding of how various tools contribute to enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the testing process. In this course, you will learn to create test cases, test data, and test procedures and delve into tools that facilitate automated test execution and coverage measurement. You will gain insights into automated testing processes while ensuring comprehensive coverage. You will discover tools designed for non-functional testing which is a domain difficult or impossible to test manually. Then, explore tools that support the DevOps delivery pipeline, workflow tracking, automated build processes, and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD). Finally, learn about tools for collaboration, performance measurement, dynamic analysis, and addressing special testing requirements.


Hele kursuskollektionen indeholder 13 kursusmoduler og kan gennemføres på ca. 17 timer.


Dette kursus hjælper med forberedelse til certificeringen ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation level 4.0. Eksamen skal bestilles og betales særskilt.

Læs mere og bestil din certificering her.


Denne online kursuskollektion består af flere forskellige kurser, som du ved tilmelding har adgang til i 365 dage. Hvert enkelt kursus er opdelt i flere kursusmoduler, som du via en oversigtsmenu kan tage i den rækkefølge, du ønsker. Modulerne indeholder lyd, billeder og tekst, der gennemgår kursusindholdet. Nogle moduler indeholder små videofilm med scenarier og cases. Ved hvert kursus har du mulighed for at teste din forståelse af indholdet med tests, som du kan tage både før, under og efter kurset. Du gennemfører kursusmodulerne via din computer eller tablet med lyd og adgang til Internettet. Du kan selv styre, hvornår du vil tage modulerne – og de kan sættes på pause undervejs. Der bliver indsat bogmærker, der hvor du er nået til, så du altid har mulighed for at fortsætte, hvor du sidst kom til.

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Om kursuspakken

ISTQB Foundation Collection provides access to several courses designed by experienced subject matter experts and course designers. For informal learning and performance support, the collection includes materials and books from leading publishers and access to videos. For those employees who are working on certifications, this collection provides a wide array of certification test preparation support including test preps and access to a highly credentialed team of mentors.

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