
4 dages kursus 
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Microsoft Information Protection Administrator [SC-400T00]

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DKK  17.999
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Nr. 90962 A

Få viden om, hvordan du beskytter data i en Microsoft 365-installation. Dette kursus fokuserer på data lifecycle management, ibeskyttelse af data og compliance herunder implementering af politikker til forebyggelse af datatab, følsomme informationstyper, følsomhedsetiketter, datalagring og Microsoft Purview Message Encryption, auditering, eDiscovery og insiderrisiko.


Dette kursus er for dig som er ansvarlig for implementering af politikker og kontrolelementer, der beskytter mod tab af data, klassificering af data, datalagring samt administration heraf. Kurset er desuden forberedende til eksamen SC-400 Microsoft Information Protection Administrator.


Du forventes at have deltaget på kurset Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity [SC-900T00] eller have tilsvarende viden, have grundlæggende kendskab til information protection koncepter, samt forståelse for Cloud Computing koncepter og for Microsoft 365 produkter og services.


  • Lær at planlægge og implementere Information Protection, og hvordan du sikre jeres følsomme data
  • Lær at konfigurere og implementere Data Loss Prevention (DLP), og hvordan du analyserer rapporter og identificerer overtrædelser af DLP-politikken samt integrere dem med Microsoft Cloud App Security (MCAS)
  • Lær at planlægge og implementere Information Governance i Microsoft 365

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Erfaren underviser

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Certificeret underviser

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Øvelser og inddragelse

Materiale på engelsk

Materiale på engelsk

Undervisning på dansk

Undervisning på dansk

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Gratis parkering


Modul 1: Implement Information Protection in Microsoft 365
  • Introduction to information protection and lifecycle mangement in Microsoft Purview
  • Classify data for protection and governance
  • Create and manage sensitive information types
  • Understand Microsoft 365 encryption
  • Deploy Microsoft Purview Message Encryption
  • Create and configure sensitivity labels with Microsoft Purview
  • Apply sensitivity labels for data protection
Modul 2: Implement Data Loss Prevention
  • Protect information in Microsoft Purview
  • Prevent Data loss in Microsoft Purview
  • Configure DLP policies for Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps and Power Platform
  • Manage DLP policies and reports in Microsoft 365
Modul 3: Implement Data Lifecycle and Records Management
  • Manage the Data Lifecycle in Microsoft Purview
  • Manage data retention in Microsoft 365 workloads
  • Manage records in Microsoft Purview
Modul 4: Monitor and investigate data and activities by using Microsoft Purview
  • Explore compliance in Microsoft 365
  • Search for content in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal
  • Manage Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (standard and premium)
  • Manage Microsoft Purview Audit (standard and premium))
Manage Insider and Privacy risk in Microsoft 365
  • Prepare Microsoft Purvies Communication Compliance
  • Manage insider risk in Microsoft Purview
  • Implement Microsoft Purview Infomations Barriers
  • Manage regulatory and privacy requirements with Microsoft Priva
Implement privileged access management
Manage Customer Lockbox
Bemærk: Indhold for dette kursus tilpasses løbende af Microsoft for at følge med den løbende teknologiske udvikling, der kan derfor ske ændringer af kursusindhold uden varsel.


Dette kursus anbefales som forberedelse til eksamen SC-400 Microsoft Information Protection Administrator. Du skal bestille og betale for din eksamen særskilt. Ved beståelse opnås certificeringen Microsoft Certified: Information Protection Administrator, Associate.

Bemærk, at selvom dette kursus er tilpasset til denne eksamen, indeholder det muligvis ikke alle de oplysninger, der kræves for at bestå eksamenen. I henhold til Microsoft vejledning anbefales yderligere selvstudium og praktisk erfaring udover deltagelse i dette kursus.

Microsoft skriver om denne eksamen:

  • This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: implement information protection; implement data loss prevention; and implement information governance.
  • The Information Protection Administrator plans and implements controls that meet organizational compliance needs. This person is responsible for translating requirements and compliance controls into technical implementation. They assist organizational control owners to become and stay compliant.
  • They work with information technology (IT) personnel, business application owners, human resources, and legal stakeholders to implement technology that supports policies and controls necessary to sufficiently address regulatory requirements for their organization. They also work with the compliance and security leadership such as a Chief Compliance Officer and Security Officer to evaluate the full breadth of associated enterprise risk and partner to develop those policies.
  • This person defines applicable requirements and tests IT processes and operations against those policies and controls. They are responsible for creating policies and rules for content classification, data loss prevention, governance, and protection.

Læs mere om IT-Certificering.


Undervisningen varetages af en erfaren underviser fra Teknologisk Instituts netværk bestående af branchens dygtigste undervisere.

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