OPTIKVAL - Rapporter, artikler og omtale
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Groth Storgaard, B.(2023)Ny teknologi skal fjerne parasitter i sildemaden. Plus Proces nr 7, side 20
EFSA panel et al... (2024) Re-evaluation of certain aspects of the EFSA Scientific Opinion of April 2010 on risk assessment of parasites in fishery products, based on new scientific data. Part 1: ToRs1–3. EFSA Journal. 2024;22:e8719.
Kumas, K., Al-Jubury, A., Kania, P.W., Abusharkh, T., Buchmann, K. (2024) Location and elimination of Anisakis simplex third stage larvae in Atlantic herring Clupea harengus L International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife. 100937
Groth Storgaard, B., Bager Christensen, L.(2023) Optimising fish product quality by effective detection of nematodes