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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service [MB-240T00]

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Dette kursus giver dig det helt store overblik over Dynamics 365 Field Service og de vigtigste komponenter, så du kan designe, implementere og konfigurere effektive løsninger, levere og eksekvere ordre samt planlægge ressourcer til gavn for jeres forretning og kunder. Med Field Service får I en række værktøjer, der hjælper til hurtig og effektiv identificering, planlægning, administration af arbejdsbelastning for mobile arbejdere og levering af produkter og ydelser.


Dette kursus er for dig, som vil lære om modulet Field Service og dets funktionaliteter.

Kurset er rettet mod rollen Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement functional consultant.


Du forventes at have et grundlæggende kendskab til Microsoft Dynamics 365 og dets funktionaliteter.


  • Identificer nøglekomponenter til implementering og planlægning
  • Definering af produkter og ydelser, der skal leveres til kunder
  • Bestem, hvilke ressourcer der skal bruges, og konfigurer systemet til at understøtte ressourcebehov
  • Identificer de nøgleområder, der er involveret i en ordres livscyklus, og generer aftaler, der kan bruges til automatisk ordreoprettelse
  • Udnyt funktionerne til lagerstyring i Dynamics 365 for Field service og lær at oprette og administrere indkøbsordrer
  • Implementer og konfigurer Field service Mobile-app og konfigurer det, så planlægningsfunktionerne udnyttes bedst
  • Udnyt planlægningsfunktioner til at finde og planlægge ressourcer
  • Skræddersy applikationen, så den bedst repræsenterer organisationens behov og udarbejd løsninger, der kan bruges til at planlægge enkelte eller flere ressourcer

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Configure Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Identify key service configuration considerations
  • Users and security roles
  • Define work order types, statuses and sub statuses
  • Define incident and service task types
  • Define Field Service products, services, and pricing options
  • Define service territories
  • Configure Field Service account preference
Configure bookable resources in Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Identify the different types of resources available
  • Define supporting resource components such as characteristics, roles, and organizational units
  • Set up an individual bookable resource
  • Geocode resources, starting and ending locations, and viewing in the map
  • Define pools, crews, and facilities
Schedule crews, facilities, and resource pooling in Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Define and use resource pools in scheduling scenarios
  • Use the facility scheduling feature to book specific facilities for work
  • Define and schedule crews using the schedule board
Work order management in Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Identify the work order lifecycle
  • Identify the different options available for creating work orders
  • Use related records such as service accounts, incidents, products and services, and other items with work orders
  • Apply entitlements
  • Create and manage agreements
  • Create and manage service level agreements (SLAs) for work orders
  • Define and manage inventory and warehouses
Incident types in Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Learn about the purpose of incident types in Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Learn how to create incident types
  • Create service tasks and use them in an incident type
  • Add products and services to an incident type
  • Define the duration of an incident type
  • Use incident types on work orders
Inspections in Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Learn about the purpose of inspections in Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Learn how to create inspections
  • Associate inspections with work orders and customer assets
  • Perform inspections by using the Field Service mobile app
Manage scheduling options in Dynamics 365 for Field Service
  • Identify scenarios where the different field service scheduling options could be used
  • Navigate, filter, and modify basic schedule board settings
  • Manually schedule and reschedule items on the schedule board
  • Use the resource availability search (schedule assistant) to schedule items on the schedule board
Customize the schedule board in Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Define each pane in schedule board
  • Edit schedule board views and tooltips
  • Edit map pane
  • Schedule board alerts
  • Extend schedule board with JavaScript and HTML
Deploying Resource Scheduling Optimization
  • Set up and deploy Resource Scheduling Optimization.
  • Learn about the configuration options and define optimization goals, scopes, and schedules
Get started with the Dynamics 365 Field Service Mobile application
  • Learn how to deploy and use the mobile application
  • Learn about Service assets
  • Use online and offline data
Customize and configure the Dynamics 365 Field Service Mobile application
  • Customize and edit the mobile application
  • Configure offline data and barcodes
  • Enable location tracking and push notifications
Integrate Dynamics 365 Remote Assist with Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Launch Remote Assist mobile from a booking
  • Review relevant work order information
  • Post call information
Customer assets in Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Discover the purpose of customer assets in Field Service
  • Learn how to create customer assets
  • Learn how to associate customer assets with work orders
  • Learn how to configure customer asset hierarchies
  • Learn how to use functional locations
Set up Field Service to create work orders from IoT data
  • Learn about the installation and setup of Connected Field Service
  • Read device data
  • Set device alerts
  • Learn about using the mobile app
Create custom apps for Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Learn how to use Microsoft Power Platform to customize Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Learn how to create Microsoft Power Apps applications for Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Learn how to deploy the customer experiences homepages portal for Field Service
  • Discover how to customize Field Service
  • Learn how to set up and customize schedule boards
  • Learn how to enable a custom table for scheduling
Gather customer feedback with Dynamics 365 Customer Voice
  • Learn how to improve relationships with your customers by reviewing feedback data
  • Learn how to use templates in Customer Voice to create projects, surveys, and email
  • Discover how to collect feedback by using Microsoft Power Automate, Omnichannel for Customer Service, and Customer Service Insights
  • Find out how to use Customer Voice to understand your clients' needs and requirements

Bemærk: Indhold for dette kursus tilpasses løbende af Microsoft for at følge med den løbende teknologiske udvikling, der kan derfor ske ændringer af kursusindhold uden varsel.


Dette kursus er rettet mod mod eksamen MB-240 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service somleder hen mod certificeringen Microsoft Certified 365 for Field Service functional Consultant Associate. Eksamen bestilles og betales særskilt.

Microsoft skriver dette om eksamen MB-240:
  • This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: configure field service applications; manage work orders; schedule and dispatch work orders; manage the Field Service mobile app; manage inventory and purchasing by using the built-in inventory management system; manage Connected Field Service and customer assets; and implement Microsoft Power Platform.
  • Candidates for this exam are Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement functional consultants. Candidates are responsible for Schedule resources to meet customer requirements, Optimize resources by matching skills, locations, and availability. Equip frontline workers with the information and tools to deliver great service. Build a service history of customer assets.
  • Candidates are responsible for: Configuring the default areas of the Field Service application, Configuring resources and scheduling, Configuring service agrements and booking setups, Managing work orders, incident types and booking setups, Managing customer assets, Deploying and configuring the Fiels Service mobile app, Tailoring Field Service based on customer requirements.
  • As a candidate, you should have a basic understanding of field service principles and the role the Field Service app plays in relaionship to the Dynamics 365 suite of applications, including integration of Microsoft Power Platform, Dynamics 365 Customer Service, Microsoft 365 apps, Microsoft Teams, Dynamics 365 Remote Assist, Dynamics 365 Guides, Microft Azure IoT.
  • You should understand: Industry terminology, Field service processes, Work order lifecycle, Best practices

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Undervisningen varetages af en erfaren underviser fra Teknologisk Instituts netværk bestående af branchens dygtigste undervisere.

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