
Online kursus 
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Presentation Skills

Tilmelding Garantifor afholdelse

Få adgang til online kurset.
Tilgængeligt i 365 dage.
DKK  2.999
ekskl. moms
Nr. 72790 P

Få indblik i, hvordan du bliver bedre til at præsentere. Denne kursuskollektion giver dig redskaberne til hvordan du brænder igennem med din pitch, forskellige præsentationsteknikker og en introduktion til storytelling. Kurset er på engelsk og foregår online, når det passer dig. Du har adgang til online kurset i 365 dage.

Online kursus

Lær at benytte storytelling til at formulere dit budskab

Selv de mest erfarne foredragsholdere kan blive nervøse inden en stor præsentation. De har dog lært at lade nervøsiteten hjælpe dem. Denne kursuspakke identificerer fire vigtige egenskaber som kan hjælpe dig med at forbedre din præsentationsteknik, og lærer dig at få dit budskab ud til modtageren gennem bl.a. storytelling.


Kurset henvender sig til dig, der gerne vil lære at brænde igennem med dit budskab, når du præsenterer for samarbejdspartnere, kunder, kolleger eller ledergruppen. Du bliver præsenteret for forskellige basale præsentationsteknikker.



  • Lær de fundamentale elementer i Business Storytelling
  • Bliv klædt på til at kunne levere en professionel pitch
  • Få værktøjerne til at komme igennem med dit budskab
  • Lær at identificere din målgruppe
  • Lær at genkende hvilke handlinger, der skaber forbindelse til dit publikum, hvilket øger effekten af din historie

Det får du på onlinekurset

Vi sørger for, at rammerne er i orden, så du kan fokusere på at lære.

Undervisning på engelsk

Undervisning på engelsk


Making the Most of Your Presentation
  • Planning an Effective Presentation
    Concern about the impact of a presentation can inspire presenters to improve their verbal communication skills, enabling them to get the desired results. Public speaking and business presentations can be immeasurably improved if the presenter devotes sufficient time and attention to planning.

    In this course, you'll learn how to define and understand your audience's characteristics, knowledge, needs, and responses. You'll also learn how to organize your presentation's timing, purpose, key points, and approach so that it is engaging, focused, and relevant. Finally, you'll learn about different presentation methods, such as PowerPoint presentations, and when they're most effectively used.

  • Building Your Presentation
    Effective business presentations need to have a sound structure. To ensure that your presentation has this structure, you need to consider its overall purpose, your audience, and the key points you'll be presenting, and then put them all together into a plan of action to guide you.

    In this course, you'll learn how to write the key parts of a presentation so they're memorable and effective. You'll also learn how to select and use eye-catching visual aids to bring your PowerPoint presentations to life. Finally, you'll learn how to rehearse your presentation – a key step for public speaking that will improve your verbal communication skills and build confidence for the real thing.

  • Ensuring Successful Presentation Delivery
    Whether your job includes delivering sales pitches, making PowerPoint presentations, or leading team trainings, presentation excellence can only be achieved when the standard of your public speaking matches the quality of your content. Having diligently prepared your presentation, you need to make sure that your delivery is engaging, enthusiastic, composed, and confident.

    In this course, you'll learn how to set up the right environment for your business presentations. You'll also learn techniques for managing stage fright and using your verbal communication skills and body language to deliver your message clearly and effectively. Finally, you'll learn about how to deal with audience questions in a Q&A session and the impact this has on your credibility.

Presenting Virtually
  • Presenting Virtually
    Virtual presentations are intrinsically a little awkward. There’s less audience response, it’s harder to get a read on how your audience is responding to you, and making eye contact is problematic. It’s easy to forget that even when you can’t see everyone, they’re listening, and they need your attention. All of these can increase a presenter’s anxiety, but it doesn’t have to be that way. In this course, you’ll learn how presenting virtually can increase your reach and bridge differences, the ways in which presenting virtually is similar to--and different from--presenting face-to-face, and how to set the virtual stage for success. You’ll discover behavioral strategies to make virtual presentations come alive, and how to plan your presentations for the unique challenges of remote presenting. And you’ll also explore techniques, both technological and personal, that can ensure that every virtual presentation you give is better than the one before.

  • Preparing a Great Virtual Presentation
    The importance of preparing for a great virtual presentation cannot be overstated. Virtual presentations have enabled businesses to reach clients and partners across continents. They transcend physical boundaries, offering a powerful global platform to connect, engage, and influence diverse audiences. The ability to deliver a compelling virtual presentation is pivotal for success. By honing this skill, you can equip yourself to navigate the dynamic landscape of the digital age, leaving a profound and lasting impact on your professional journey. In this course, you’ll learn to recognize the benefits of virtual presentations and identify strategies to create an engaging virtual presentation environment. You will also identify effective strategies to confidently navigate the technical aspects of virtual presentations and identify the key elements to plan for a compelling virtual presentation.

  • Building and Delivering a Great Virtual Presentation
    Crafting and delivering exceptional virtual presentations isn’t merely a skill; it’s a strategic imperative in this digital age. As the lines between physical and virtual communication blur, whether you’re a business leader, educator, salesperson, or creative professional, your prowess in building and delivering compelling virtual presentations can significantly amplify your influence, foster engagement, and propel you to success.In In this course, you will learn to recognize effective strategies to build content for a virtual presentation, identify the key considerations to create the slides for a virtual presentation, identify effective strategies to deliver an engaging virtual presentation, and recognize the effective strategies to overcome common pitfalls in virtual presentations.



Kursuskollektionen indeholder 2 kurser og kan gennemføres på under to timer.


Denne online kursuskollektion består af flere forskellige kurser, som du ved tilmelding har adgang til i 365 dage. Hvert enkelt kursus er opdelt i flere kursusmoduler, som du via en oversigtsmenu kan tage i den rækkefølge, du ønsker. Modulerne indeholder lyd, billeder og tekst, der gennemgår kursusindholdet. Nogle moduler indeholder små videofilm med scenarier og cases. Ved hvert kursus har du mulighed for at teste din forståelse af indholdet med tests, som du kan tage både før, under og efter kurset. Du gennemfører kursusmodulerne via din computer eller tablet med lyd og adgang til Internettet. Du kan selv styre, hvornår du vil tage modulerne – og de kan sættes på pause undervejs. Der bliver indsat bogmærker, der hvor du er nået til, så du altid har mulighed for at fortsætte, hvor du sidst kom til.

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Vi tilbyder en bred vifte af forskellige kurser inden for mange områder. Kontakt os på tlf. 72203000 eller kurser@teknologisk.dk, så vi kan hjælpe med at imødekomme dit behov.

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Er I en afdeling, en hel virksomhed eller blot flere personer, der ønsker adgang til online kurser, så kontakt os og få et tilbud på tlf. 72203000 eller kurser@teknologisk.dk.


Kurset afholdes i samarbejde med en partner.